Now that Barry is back inland and putting less of a direct effect on the weather patterns in the Gulf of Mexico, the Attractions area is starting to get back to its usual cycle of summertime weather… literally rinse and repeat. Rain chances are still relatively low around the area… around 30%… but are expected to tick up to as high as 60% as the week progresses. The dominant sea breeze so far this week is from the Atlantic, so any storms that do develop are likely to track slowly to the west, possibly dumping lots of rain in their path. The National Weather Service says this pattern will be overtaken midweek by a southwest flow that brings more moisture into the area and gives a little more fuel to those sea breeze driven storms. Temps are expected to rise a bit by midweek as well, putting the heat index back into the “Alexa, search for spatulas with free same-day delivery” range. The Weather Prediction Center’s rainfall expectations are relatively low for Central Florida as a whole, but keep in mind that their models often have a hard time accounting for our pump-n-dump diurnal thunderstorms that can drop more than an inch of rain over a confined area in a short time.