It appears that the Attractions area will be getting its first proper taste of winter by midweek. Sunday’s High of 81 will feel like a distant memory when we wake up to a Tuesday morning temperature hovering in the lower 40s.
The graph above is the National Weather Service’s hourly forecast table for the coordinates centered roughly over Spaceship Earth at Epcot. Overall, the temperature difference between Sunday afternoon and Tuesday morning is expected to be 39 degrees and with the exception of a seven-degree warm-up during the day on Monday, it’s pretty much a downward slope for the entire 36 hours.
Tuesday looks to be the coldest day of the week, with a low of 42 and a high of 59. Temperatures throughout the week are cold enough that they are likely to impact operations at the area’s water parks, although no closures appear to have been announced at the time of this writing. Edit 11PM Sunday: All of the Attractions area’s water parks are now expected to be closed on Monday and Tuesday, either due to weather or (in the case of Blizzard Beach and Island H2O Live) as a normal course of business for this time of year.