A rather last-minute southward shift in what was expected to be a significant severe weather outbreak across central Georgia and Alabama has just barely nudged the Attractions area into the region of “slight” risk for severe weather (risk level 2 of 5) on Thursday. Friday sees a similar risk, though the thinking on that one has been a bit more solid for a couple of days and the overall system strength is expected to be a little lower. But remember… just like a hurricane… “it only takes one” when it hits your street.
Here are the probabilities for each day, with percentages representing the chance of that type of severe weather happening within 25 miles of where you are…
Thursday: Tornado 5%-9%; Damaging Wind 15%-29%; Hail the Size of Quarters or Larger 5%-14%
Friday: Tornado 2%-4%; Damaging Wind 15%-29%; Hail the Size of Quarters or Larger 5%-14%
Learn More
Marginal, Slight, Enhanced, Moderate, High… what’s the difference? Learn about the Storm Prediction Center’s outlook products and how they’re issued by reading our two part series:
Understanding Severe Weather Outlooks: Part One | Part Two